今天去百事通参加了SCE的PS VR讲座,算是初识VR吧。名为The Deep的Demo不错,在海底沉浸式的感觉相当真实,配合耳机的音效,真的会以为那只在你身边晃悠的大白鲨会张开血盆大口咬烂你,诶哟。
言归正传,PS VR包括三部分硬件:Camera、Headset和PS4。Camera用于track head movement,它的原理是检测VR Headset上的9个LED Markers。Headset除了提供沉浸式音视频输出和Head movement外,还有Gyro(陀螺仪)用来检测并预测头部的旋转,称为Reprojection技术。该VR所提供的FOV是100度。
1. Pass-through Mode:Headset is off.
2. Non-VR Mode:PU does the Distortion Correction.
3. VR Mode:PS4 / Game does the Distortion Correction.
另外,除了3DVR,设备还有2DVR功能,以支持2D leadboard等的显示需求。
1. Framerate: Best experience under 120fps. 注意Draw at和Scan at。
2. Latency:Apply the tracking data。由于游戏画面需要一定时间的计算和矫正才能在VR中适当显示,所以一定会有个时间延迟,因此如何处理这个延迟是关键。VR Headset中的Gyro就是为了支持Reprojection的。
3. Resolution:Draw to the larger image size. E.g. 1920 x 1080 is not enough due to the image expansion. 一般VR中看到的画面大小是render target texture的1.2倍左右,因为存在曲面弯曲。
Good VR Game Advices:
1. Sense of presence (posture, physical contact points)
2. Make it more dynamic (feel inside, not watching)
3. Utilise scale effectively
4. GUI for VR (sharp area, floating UI)
Social screen:
Mirroring mode and Separate Mode.
Reprojection Tech (SDk3.0 supported):
VrTracker, prejected field of view
Async compute in GPU
Raon Tool
Resource conflict
Unity 5.2.2 will support PS4 SDK3.0