
fluidity详解 1.fluidity编译过程 1.1.femtools库调用方法 编译fluidity/femtools 目录下所有文件,打包为libfemtools.a静态库文件; 通过-lfemtools 参数,并指定libfemtools.a静态库位置,即可调用 femtools 库内所有函数 2.fluidity主函数位置




  1. 编译fluidity/femtools目录下所有文件,打包为libfemtools.a静态库文件;
  2. 通过-lfemtools参数,并指定libfemtools.a静态库位置,即可调用 femtools 库内所有函数



  1. fluidity
  2. Burgers_Equation
  3. Hybridized_Helmholtz_Solver
  4. Shallow_Water



 // Start fortran main


     !      Normal Fluidity Model
     ewrite(1, *) "Calling fluids from mainfl"
     call fluids()
     ewrite(1, *) "Exited fluids"
     call tictoc_report(2, TICTOC_ID_SIMULATION)


编译fluidity可执行文件函数调用顺序为main.cpp =>./main/mainfl.F90 =>./main/Fluids.F90





  type quadrature_type
     !!< A data type which describes quadrature information. For most
     !!< developers, quadrature can be treated as an opaque data type which
     !!< will only be encountered when creating element_type variables to
     !!< represent shape functions.  
     integer :: dim !! Dimension of the elements for which quadrature
     !!< is required.  
     integer :: degree !! Degree of accuracy of quadrature. 
     integer :: vertices !! Number of vertices of the element.
     integer :: ngi !! Number of quadrature points.
     real, pointer :: weight(:)=>null() !! Quadrature weights.
     real, pointer :: l(:,:)=>null() !! Locations of quadrature points.
     character(len=0) :: name !! Fake name for reference counting.
     !! Reference count to prevent memory leaks.
     type(refcount_type), pointer :: refcount=>null()
     integer :: family
  end type quadrature_type


  1. dim 维度
  2. degree 多项式阶数
  3. vertices 节点个数
  4. ngi 正交节点个数
  5. weight(:) 权重
  6. l(:,:) 正交节点位置
  7. name
  8. refcount
  9. family


    !!< Given information about a quadrature, return a quad type encoding
    !!< that quadrature.
    function make_quadrature(vertices, dim, degree, ngi, family, stat) result (quad)
    integer :: lfamily
    integer :: wandzura_rule_idx, wandzura_rule_degree, max_wandzura_rule, wandzura_order
    real, dimension(2, 3) :: wandzura_ref_tri
    real, dimension(3, 3) :: wandzura_ref_map
    real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp_coordinates
    integer :: gi

    integer :: gm_rule, gm_order, vertex
    real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: gm_ref_simplex
    real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: gm_ref_map
    if (present(family)) then
      lfamily = family
      lfamily = FAMILY_COOLS
    end if

    family_if: if (lfamily == FAMILY_COOLS) then


  3. FAMILY_GM = 2

    family_if: else if (lfamily == FAMILY_WANDZURA) then
    ! Make sure we're on triangles.
    if (dim /= 2 .or. vertices /= 3) then
        write (quadrature_error_message, '(a,i0,a)') ...
    end if
    ! OK. First let's figure out which rule we want to use.
    if (.not. present(degree)) then
        write (quadrature_error_message, '(a,i0,a)') ...
    end if
    call wandzura_rule_num(max_wandzura_rule)
    do wandzura_rule_idx=1,max_wandzura_rule
        call wandzura_degree(wandzura_rule_idx, wandzura_rule_degree)  
        !! degree=idx*5
        if (wandzura_rule_degree >= degree) exit 
        !! 当Wandzura精度超过指定精度后跳出循环
    end do
    if (wandzura_rule_degree < degree) then 
    !! 循环结束后Wandzura最大精度为30,指定精度不能超过30
        write error message ..
    end if
    call wandzura_order_num(wandzura_rule_idx, wandzura_order)
    !! 获得 wandzura_order(三角形单元中节点总个数) = ngi
    call allocate(quad, vertices, wandzura_order, coords=3)
    allocate(tmp_coordinates(2, wandzura_order))
    quad%degree = wandzura_rule_degree
    quad%dim = 2
    call wandzura_rule(wandzura_rule_idx, wandzura_order, tmp_coordinates, quad%weight)
    !! 获得 wandzura 节点坐标 tmp_coordinates;积分权重 quad%weight
    wandzura_ref_tri(:, 1) = (/0, 0/)
    wandzura_ref_tri(:, 2) = (/1, 0/)
    wandzura_ref_tri(:, 3) = (/0, 1/)
    call local_coords_matrix_positions(wandzura_ref_tri, wandzura_ref_map)
    do gi=1,wandzura_order
        quad%l(gi, 1:2) = tmp_coordinates(:, gi); quad%l(gi, 3) = 1.0
        quad%l(gi, :) = matmul(wandzura_ref_map, quad%l(gi, :))
    end do

在这之中有个重要的子函数调用,call allocate(quad, vertices, wandzura_order, coords=3),目的就是为结构体quad申请内存空间。下面检查下子函数allocate的内容,

    interface allocate
        module procedure allocate_quad
    end interface
    subroutine allocate_quad(quad, vertices, ngi, coords, stat)
    allocate(quad%weight(ngi), quad%l(ngi,coords), stat=lstat)
    call addref(quad)
    end subroutine allocate_quad


    family_if:elseif (lfamily == FAMILY_GM) then
    family_if:end if
    quad%family = lfamily
    end function make_quadrature`


  type element_type
     !!< Type to encode shape and quadrature information for an element.
     integer :: dim !! 2d or 3d?
     integer :: loc !! Number of nodes.
     integer :: ngi !! Number of gauss points.
     integer :: degree !! Polynomial degree of element.
     !! Shape functions: n is for the primitive function, dn is for partial derivatives, dn_s is for partial derivatives on surfaces. 
     !! n is loc x ngi, dn is loc x ngi x dim
     !! dn_s is loc x ngi x face x dim 
     real, pointer :: n(:,:)=>null(), dn(:,:,:)=>null()
     real, pointer :: n_s(:,:,:)=>null(), dn_s(:,:,:,:)=>null()
     !! Polynomials defining shape functions and their derivatives.
     type(polynomial), dimension(:,:), pointer :: spoly=>null(), dspoly=>null()
     !! Link back to the node numbering used for this element.
     type(ele_numbering_type), pointer :: numbering=>null()
     !! Link back to the quadrature used for this element.
     type(quadrature_type) :: quadrature
     type(quadrature_type), pointer :: surface_quadrature=>null()
     !! Pointer to the superconvergence data for this element.
     type(superconvergence_type), pointer :: superconvergence=>null()
     !! Pointer to constraints data for this element
     type(constraints_type), pointer :: constraints=>null()
     !! Reference count to prevent memory leaks.
     type(refcount_type), pointer :: refcount=>null()
     !! Dummy name to satisfy reference counting
     character(len=0) :: name
  end type element_type


自定义类型:ele_numbering_type,与 polynomial

  type ele_numbering_type
     ! Type to record element numbering details.
     ! Differentiate tets from other elements.
     integer :: faces, vertices, edges, boundaries
     integer :: degree ! Degree of polynomials.
     integer :: dimension ! 2D or 3D
     integer :: nodes
     integer :: type=ELEMENT_LAGRANGIAN
     integer :: family
     ! Map local count coordinates to local number.
     integer, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: count2number
     ! Map local number to local count coordinates.
     integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: number2count
     ! Count coordinate which is held constant for each element boundary.
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: boundary_coord
     ! Value of that count coordinate on the element boundary.
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: boundary_val
  end type ele_numbering_type

    type polynomial
        real, dimension(:), pointer :: coefs=>null()
        integer :: degree=-1
    end type polynomial


  type mesh_type
     !!< Mesh information for (among other things) fields.
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: ndglno
     !! Flag for whether ndglno is allocated
     logical :: wrapped=.true.
     type(element_type) :: shape
     integer :: elements
     integer :: nodes
     character(len=FIELD_NAME_LEN) :: name
     !! path to options in the options tree
#ifdef DDEBUG
     character(len=OPTION_PATH_LEN) :: option_path="/uninitialised_path/"
     character(len=OPTION_PATH_LEN) :: option_path
     !! Degree of continuity of the field. 0 is for the conventional C0
     !! discretisation. -1 for DG.
     integer :: continuity=0
     !! Reference count for mesh
     type(refcount_type), pointer :: refcount=>null()
     !! Mesh face information for those meshes (eg discontinuous) which need it.
     type(mesh_faces), pointer :: faces=>null()
     !! Information on subdomain_ mesh, for partially prognostic solves:
     type(mesh_subdomain_mesh), pointer :: subdomain_mesh=>null()
     type(adjacency_cache), pointer :: adj_lists => null()
     !! array that for each node tells which column it is in
     !! (column numbers usually correspond to a node number in a surface mesh)
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: columns => null()
     !! if this mesh is extruded this array says which horizontal mesh element each element is below
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: element_columns => null()
     !! A list of ids marking different parts of the mesh
     !! so that initial conditions can be associated with it.
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: region_ids=>null()
     !! Halo information for parallel simulations.
     type(halo_type), dimension(:), pointer :: halos=>null()
     type(halo_type), dimension(:), pointer :: element_halos=>null()
     type(integer_set_vector), dimension(:), pointer :: colourings=>null()
     !! A logical indicating if this mesh is periodic or not
     !! (does not tell you how periodic it is... i.e. true if
     !! any surface is periodic)
     logical :: periodic=.false.
  end type mesh_type



    function read_triangle_simple(filename, quad_degree, quad_ngi, no_faces, quad_family, mdim) result (field)
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下一篇 2024-08-21 13:48
